Detainees and detention centers in the United Kingdom: overcapacity and inhuman living conditions
Complicated to be a migrant in an irregular situation in the United Kingdom… Since the early 90’s, the camps management is outsourced by the British government to private multinational corporations, which are making money at the expenses of the migrants: Mitie, G4S, Serco, Geogroup, Tascor… So there are private actors who tend to work on […]
Map posted the 2015/12/16
United Kingdom [FR] Vivre ensemble, IRIN | United Kingdom : report on migrants’ detention
[EN] After an inquiry on the use of migrants detention in the United Kingdom, MEPs of different parties published a striking report calling to a deep reform of the detention system, considered « expensive, useless and unfair ». The inquiry follows the media coverage of mistreatments occured in centres in the UK, the only European country with no […]
Map posted the 2015/03/06
United Kingdom [EN] PressTV, UK to launch probe into abuse at immigration facilities
[EN] British Home Office plans to investigate on mistreatments. – violences and sexual harrassments – migrants suffer from, in British detention centres. These centres are often criticized for the numerous violations of human rights imposed to inmates, that pressurize some of them to auto-mutilation or even suicide. UK to launch probe into abuse at immigration […]
Map posted the 2015/02/10

Progressive privatisation of camps management
The management of migrant detention centres draws more and more the interest of private companies and multinational corporations. In the European Union (EU), privatization was pioneered by the United Kingdom where the State controls only part of the centres. The rest is entrusted to private companies, from construction and maintenance, to access to healthcare, accommodation […]
Map posted the 2014/12/18

Immigration detention centres in UK
There are ten detention centres in the United Kingdom, the majority are located in England, mainly on the outskirts of the capital. Since the law does not specify a maximum period for administrative detention, men and women can be held for several years on the basis of administrative reasons. There are also four administrative detention […]
Map posted the 2013/11/26
Recent maps
- Hotspots at the heart of the archipelago of camps
- Five years to reach Hamburg from Kaboul
- Detainees and detention centers in the United Kingdom: overcapacity and inhuman living conditions
- The Balkan buffer-zone
- Externalisation of the European migration policy into the Balkans: when delegating makes imprisonment easier
"voluntary" return arbitrary detention Atlas Australia Austria Balkans Belarus Belgium C(h)amp d'expression camps in Europe Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark deportation Encampment map Estonia Europe European union Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania London Luxembourg Malta Moldova Morocco Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland The hidden face of immigration detention camps in Europe Ukraine United Kingdom United states