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Detainees and detention centers in the United Kingdom: overcapacity and inhuman living conditions

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Map posted the 2015/12/16

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  • Detainees and detention centers in the United Kingdom: overcapacity and inhuman living conditions Detainees and detention centers in the United Kingdom: overcapacity and inhuman living conditions


Complicated to be a migrant in an irregular situation in the United Kingdom…  Since the early 90’s, the camps management is outsourced by the British government to private multinational corporations, which are making money at the expenses of the migrants: Mitie, G4S, Serco, Geogroup, Tascor…  So there are private actors who tend to work on their public image with phantasmagoric slogans: Bringing Service to life (Serco) ; Inspiring change in the way people live and work (Mitie).  However, in most of the camps these compagnies are running, the occupancy rate exceeds 75%. And still markets are awarded to these companies. Migrants’ detention: a juicy market…



Date(s) of publication: 2015
Author(s): Ronan Ysebaert
Credits: Mirgreurop