Contribute!Countries map
Fonds de carte

This map shows the closed camps, in use in 2013, in 2011 and/or 2012 and which, to date, have not been close that the project identified in European Union (EU) Member States, EU candidate countries, those covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and those collaborating in the implementation of European migration policy (for further information, see “Methodology”).

Each dot corresponds to a camp. By clicking on the dot, you can access a data sheet with the following information: Name of camp, country, photo, address, capacity, NGOs present inside the site or operating at the national or local level in support of the rights of those detained, telephone number of the camp and maximum period of detention in the country concerned.

Data sheets contain links to enable you to access further information on the detention of migrants in the country in which the camp is located (see “Countries map”)

You will also find a contact form via the “camp data-sheet” (see also “Contribute!”) in order to enable you to provide new information and/or to suggest corrections.

To guide you on the map, by clicking the button , you can change the background of the map and move from a satellite view to a map view. In order to find the camp which interests you, you can also consult – via a geolocation tool located above on the left top of the encampment map – the list of camps closest to you (for further information on this geolocation tool and the use of personal data, see the website's technical notice).

Finally, a text search enables you to find information on a site on the basis of the name of the camp or the town in which it is located.