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Tag: "C(h)amp d’expression"

C(h)amp d’expression: ‘’I lived in shelters. I’ve always been working. I’m confident; the day I’ll have documents, I’ll also have a job. ’’- Administrative Detention Centre of Palaiseau (Paris, France)

[EN] Today the Open Access Now campaign is relaying testimonies of foreigners detained in the camp of Palaiseau, in Paris. These testimonies are collected in order to shed light on detainees’ stories, detention conditions and access to rights. These testimonies – presented as a chronic – were collected in Autumn 2014, by the Citizens’ Observatory of […]


Map posted the 2015/03/19


C(h)amp d’expression: ‘’We are going to meet a Syrian…Oh yes! We detain Syrians too!’’- Administrative Detention Centre of Vincennes (Paris, France)

[EN] Today the Open Access Now campaign is relaying testimonies of foreigners detained in the camp of Vincennes, in Paris. These testimonies are collected in order to shed light on detainees’ stories, detention conditions and access to rights. The testimonies were collected in 2014, by the Citizens Observatory of the Vincennes camp, following parlor visits […]


Map posted the 2015/03/11


C(h)amp d’expression, « The detention centre is a sacrifice» – CRA of Rennes (France)

[EN] As of today the Open Access Now campaign is relaying testimonies of foreigners detained in the camps of Europe and at its borders. These testimonies are collected in order to make visible the stories of detained people, and bring light to the conditions of detention and access to rights. The present testimonies (in French) […]


Map posted the 2014/12/16
