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Five years to reach Hamburg from Kaboul

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Map posted the 2015/12/17



  • Five years to reach Hamburg from Kaboul Five years to reach Hamburg from Kaboul


This map represents the migratory journey of Ahmed, a young Afghan met in 2010. It brings to light the difficulties encountered by people who, during their trip, face the barriers erected by the European Union (EU). Multiple and multifaceted, they materialize the European Union will to push back those considered as “unwanted” in the EU. In a matter of 2 years and 10 months, Ahmed had experienced voluntary and forced displacements and a great deal of whereabouts between different countries until he reached his destination, Germany. Throughout a journey of over 10,000 km by plane, train, bus, taxi or even by foot, he had been deprived of liberty during almost 300 days by both state actors – in administrative holding centres, border police stations, etc. – and by smugglers – in flats, car parks, etc. Ahmed, and many others, women, children and men, without distinction of nationality, end up behind bars in these camps, whose size and capacity continue to increase in Europe… and beyond…


Date(s) of publication: 2015
Author(s): Lucie Bacon
Credits: Migreurop