Roundups and arbitrary detention in Morocco – february 2015
On February 10, 2015, a massive roundup took place in Morocco, a few hours after the official closing speech of the exceptional program of regularization of migrants in a irregular situation. More than 1,200 people were arrested in Gourougou mountains near the enclave of Melilla. They were displaced and identified (photographs and footprints were taken) […]
Map posted the 2015/03/20
Morocco [FR] GADEM/CCSM, Migrants arbitrary detention : Moroccan authorities have to respect foreigners’ rights, as legally guaranteed
[EN] The Collective of Subsaharian Communities in Morocco (CCSM) and the Anti-racist Group (GADEM) publish an information note on arbitrary detention of hundreds of migrants arrested in February in the frame of massive roundups that followed the end of the first regularization process in the country. Détentions arbitraires de migrants : Les autorités marocaines, appelées […]
Map posted the 2015/01/19
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