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[EN], Global Detention Project, The detention of asylum seekers in the Mediterranean region

With the recent tragic surge in the number of deaths in the Mediterranean of migrants attempting to reach Europe, public attention focused on the European migratory policies and the treatment of these people across the Mediterranean. Yet, the tragedies at sea should not live down the situation of migrants detained in European detention centres. Indeed, […]


Article posted the 2015/05/30

Ecuador [EN] Global Detention Project, Ecuador Detention Profile

Ecuador has been lauded for adopting the principle of « universal citizenship » in its 2008 Constitution. Yet, the country seems to have backtracked concerning reception of migrants and asylum seekers. Ecuador, the first host country of refugees in Latin America, recently narrowed its definition of « refugees », while its asylum recognition rate keeps reducing and visas are […]


Article posted the 2015/05/30

France [FR] Le Monde, Cazeneuve revives the match left wing – right wing concerning expulsions

Showing rigor on migration issues is the line followed by the French government. Even when this implies establishing quotas, on detention, asylum rejection or deportations. Under the socialist government, forced returns increase, while « voluntary » returns reduce. When the Minister of Home Affairs Bernard Cazeneuve speaks about these numbers, he forgets to talk about the cost […]


Article posted the 2015/05/11

Cyprus [EN] KISA, Serious violations of detainees’ rights in the detention centre of Mennogeia

Hunger strikes go on in Cypriot detention centres, to protest against human rights’ violations in these structures. In this country, many foreigners are detained, sometimes during months, then released without any possibility to fulfil their needs in the country. Following that, they are sometimes arrested again. Rights’ defenders are also worried about marriages between foreigners […]


Article posted the 2015/05/11

Belgium [FR] Steenrock, Make music, not immigration detention centres !

On May 9th the Steenrock concert took place in front of the closed centre of Steenokkerzeel, Belgium. The Steenrock festival was initiated by the CRER (Coordination against the Raids, the Evictions and for the Regularisation), with Bruxelles Laïque, SCI (International Civic Service), MRAX (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia). The watchword of this initiative, that […]


Article posted the 2015/05/09

Exhibition “Moving Beyond Borders”

See the flyer [EN] – M o v i n g B e y o n d B o r d e r s : Brussels (Centre Culturel Jacques Franck), 13th-19th of June 2015. The exhibition focus on the journeys of migrants while pointing devices that are responsible for these dangerous crossings in the Sahara, the Mediterranean […]


Article posted the 2015/05/06


Switzerland [FR] Vivre ensemble, Asylum seekers are fed up with living underground

[EN] In Geneva and Lausanne, asylum seekers get organized (« Stop bunkers » mobilization) against accomodation in underground civil protection’s shelters. A protest letter has been sent to authorities, to denounce their living conditions. Link of the article:  http://www.asile.ch/vivre-ensemble/2015/02/10/rts-des-requerants-en-ont-marre-de-passer-des-mois-sous-terre-a-geneve-2/ See also: 27/01/2015. Suisse. Vivre ensemble, Asylum seekers claim for a decent life http://www.asile.ch/vivre-ensemble/2015/01/27/le-courrier-des-requerants-demandent-a-vivre-decemment/ 26/01/2015. Suisse. Vivre ensemble. Stop […]


Article posted the 2015/05/04


Swiss [FR] RTS, From bunkers to foster families, what places for asylum in Switzerland ?

In 2014, about 25,000 applications for asylum have been registered in Switzerland. The applicants are mainly from Syria and Eritrea. To accomodate them, the Confederation wants to create, in the next years, 5,000 places in new federal centres, with accelerated procedures. Cantons have to propose sites for asylum seekers’ accomodation. More and more opponents protest […]


Article posted the 2015/05/01

France [FR, EN] Observatoire citoyen du CRA de Vincennes, “Make silence, we are detaining!”

Paris, cinema La Clef (rue Daubenton, 5ème arrondissment) 5 and 6 May 2015 Silence, on enferme! (Make silence, we are detaining!) 2 evenings, 7 films and 2 debates on migrants detention in Europe   organised by the Observatoire citoyen du CRA de Vincennes, in partnership with the Observatoire de l’enfermement des étrangers, Migreurop/Open Access Now, the  LDH  and the Fondation Un Monde […]


Article posted the 2015/04/30


Czech Republic [EN] CPT, Council of Europe anti-torture Committee published report on the Czech Republic

[EN] The Council of Europe anti-torture Committee published a report after its visit in the Czech Republic in April 2014. The delegation went to the « illegal » migrants’ detention center of Bělá-Jezová, and focused on the case of non accompanied minors, given that numerous problems on this  topic were observed in occasion of previous visits. See the […]


Article posted the 2015/03/31


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