Contribute!Countries map


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The opacity which characterises migrant detention centres and the obstacles – faced by community activists, researchers, relatives of the detainees and citizens – in accessing statistical and practical information on centres in operation prevent contact with those in detention, the implementation of effective measures of support as well as advocacy and awareness raising actions.

Based on this observation, the idea of working on a data base and an interactive mapping of migrant detention emerged to promote widespread access to information on administrative detention and its consequences on the lives and rights of migrants. is an interactive project. The launch of the first version of the website (December 2013) was made possible by the contributions of members of the “mapping group” at the Migreurop Network, who used numerous sources to gather information to be displayed on-line: official sources, NGO reports, field missions, press articles, etc. Resource persons based at the national and local level, near detention centres and alongside detainees were also asked to contribute.

Increasing the number of contributors is a necessary condition to ensure the development of the data base and information accessible via the website and to reach the project’s objectives.

A colour code indicates countries for which information is lacking (see country data-sheets). It is intended to apply a similar code to each camp (camp data-sheets).

A contact form is available below. Do not hesitate to use it to share any useful information, including one-off events (opening/closing of a camp, change of status, uprising), and/or send photos or camp plans, internal rules, suggestions of sources (press articles, reports), testimonies, etc.

The form is also directly accessible via camp and country data-sheets.

If you would like to send us information on a country and/or one or several camps, you can download an Excel questionnaire and a Data entry guide at the link below. Do not hesitate to fill out this questionnaire – even partially – with the information at your disposal. You may use blank fields to add details or provide any additional information which you deem relevant.

Finally, the data on which the maps are based will be updated once a year. If you are able to keep a regular update of data concerning one country and/or one or several camps, your contribution is welcome!

Please write to us using a contact form and we will revert to you as soon as possible to discuss collaboration.

For any additional information, question, suggestion, etc., please go to the contact page.


Download the questionnaire (.xls) and the data entry guide (.pdf)

questionnaire contribution questionnaire contribution

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