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Criminalisation of immigration

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Map posted the 2014/12/18



  • 2014-map-booklet-criminalisation of immigration 2014-map-booklet-criminalisation of immigration


Migrants without papers can end up being locked up in camps for migrants, deported and banned from entering EU territory for five years.

The introduction of a “criminal offence of illegal entry or stay” in some destination countries (in Italy for example) and the imposition of racial profiling practices against migrants across Europe are some of the examples which institutionalise and strengthen the process of criminalization.

This criminalization, which involves both terminology and practices, “manufactures” the irregular status of a migrant, by presenting him as an “illegal migrant” or even an invader threatening the well-being of European societies.

These two maps show the applicable law of EU countries, at the time of migrant’s entry into the territory (1), as well as during the period of residence without permit (2). The mere fact that a migrant is entering or staying in EU territory undocumented, may lead to: a) an administrative detention, b) a fine, or c) a fine and an imprisonment, despite that the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) prohibits this type of condemnation.



Date(s) of publication: 2014
Author(s): Migreurop
Credits: The hidden face of immigration detention camps in Europe