Austria [EN], Global Detention Project, Austria Detention Profile
[EN] At the end on 2014, Austria opened its first detention center specialized for migrants, after numerous critics about the imprisonment of migrants and asylum seekers in “classic” prisons. Yet, the opening of this new center, considered by Austria as « the most modern immigration detention facility worldwide », encounters several critics, due to the fact that […]
Article posted the 2014/12/30
Italy [EN, IT] MicroMega, Visit of the CIE of Ponte Galeria by the MEP Barbara Spinelli in the frame of the campaign “LasciateCIEntrare”
[EN] On December 19th 2014, the GUE/NGL MEP Barbara Spinelli did a visit – announced – at the Center of Identification and Expulsion (CIE) of Ponte Galeria (Rome), in the frame of LasciateCIEntrare, a national campaign against the administrative detention of migrants, and linked to “Open Access Now”. Please find below extracts, in English, of […]
Article posted the 2014/12/19
C(h)amp d’expression, « The detention centre is a sacrifice» – CRA of Rennes (France)
[EN] As of today the Open Access Now campaign is relaying testimonies of foreigners detained in the camps of Europe and at its borders. These testimonies are collected in order to make visible the stories of detained people, and bring light to the conditions of detention and access to rights. The present testimonies (in French) […]
Article posted the 2014/12/16

Malta [IT] Avvenire. « Migrants as objects », centers of shame in Malta
[EN] « Horrible places » : between lack of hygiene and overcrowding, the conditions of the « reception centres » of migrants in Malta illustrates to what extent being a migrant is a punishment. An enquiry, presented at the Maltese Parliament after the death of a migrant in a detention center, shows the horror of the system of migrants reception […]
Article posted the 2014/12/16
Italy [IT] Il Manifesto, Reduction of the budget of the Identification and Expulsion Center of Ponte Galeria
[EN] The budget of the organization in charge of the management of the detention center of Ponte Galeria, Rome, has been reduced by half, which downgraded the already bad conditions of detention. This budgetary cut is due to the change of the firm responsible for the center, and to the method of call for bids, […]
Article posted the 2014/12/15
United States [EN] The New York Times, Detention Center Presented as Deterrent to Border Crossings
[EN] A detention center for migrants has been opened in Dilley, Texas, and “accommodates” especially women and children. It has been inaugurated by the secretary of Homeland Security, who claimed for the reinforcement of the US South-West border. The speech, addressed to illegal migrants, has been clear: « it will now be more likely that you […]
Article posted the 2014/12/15
Italy [IT] Melting-pot Europe. Padua, 50 Syrians including 8 children, locked in during 11 hours in the cold in the prefecture’s car park
[EN] In Udine, decades of Afghan asylum seekers wander in the streets, waiting for their files to be trated. The prefect of Udine asked some help to the Austrian government in order to manage this emergency situation. At the same time in Padua, 50 Syrian refugees stayed locked up in the prefecture’s car park , […]
Article posted the 2014/12/10
Italy [IT] L’Ora quotidiano. The victims, no metaphoric, of the Mafia Capitale
[EN] New arrests have happened in Italy in the framework the affair « Mafia Capitale ». Organizations supporting migrants have worked with the « Ndrangheta », a mafia organization in Calabria, especially on the issue of the over-placement of migrants in reception centers. The Italian government considers heroic its strategy of migrants’ reception, and a huge part of the public […]
Article posted the 2014/12/09
Cyprus [EN] CPT, Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Cyprus
[EN] The CPT publishes a report on its visit to Cyprus in 2013, and the response of the Cypriot authorities. It notes in particular bad physical and verbal treatments of policemen toward migrants, and a lack of medical resources in numerous centers. The CPT claims for a reinforcement of guarantees to avoid these treatments. Council of […]
Article posted the 2014/12/09
France [EN] Inter-associative press release, Detention centres: associations demand the modification of immigration bill.
[EN] Five associations (ASSFAM, Forum Réfugiés-Cosi, France terre d’asile, La Cimade, Ordre de Malte France) who intervene in administrative detention centres (CRA) in France, published their 4th joint report on the situation in these places and observe the persistence of serious abuses on detainees’ fundamental rights.
Article posted the 2014/12/09
- [EN], Global Detention Project, The detention of asylum seekers in the Mediterranean region
- Ecuador [EN] Global Detention Project, Ecuador Detention Profile
- France [FR] Le Monde, Cazeneuve revives the match left wing – right wing concerning expulsions
- Cyprus [EN] KISA, Serious violations of detainees’ rights in the detention centre of Mennogeia
- Belgium [FR] Steenrock, Make music, not immigration detention centres !