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Nearly 225,000 foreigners were deported from the European Union in 2010

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Map posted the 2013/11/26

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  • Nearly 225,000 foreigners were deported from the European Union in 2010 Nearly 225,000 foreigners were deported from the European Union in 2010


In the course of 2010, 539,776 people were served with a notice to leave the territory and nearly 225,000 migrants (226,379) were deported from European Union territory. Albanians, Moroccans and Afghans represented nearly half the total number of deportations. The Member States of the European Union which conducted the highest numbers of deportations in 2010 were Greece (54,261 deportations), the United Kingdom (53, 615), Spain (21,955) and France (17,045).



Date(s) of publication: 2013
Author(s): Migreurop
Credits: Atlas of migration in Europe: A critical geography of migrations policies