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Introduction and/or last update date:

Since 2014 the situation of administrative detention of migrants prior to deportation has undergone major changes in Germany. While the last version of the Close the Camps map documented 31 camps, in 2015 our research found 9 places where migrants are detained in Germany. This decrease followed two judgements that came into force in 2014: one by the German Court of Justice in June 2014 declaring that the detention is unlawful prior to Dublin-returns and a second judgment by the European Court of Justice in July 2014 prohibiting the detention of migrants in prisons together with regular detainees. Before, many migrants were detained in prisons (JVAs) across the country. This development is a positive one but only to a certain extent. While in the last years Germany detained fewer migrants, administrative detention raised at the EU’s external borders and beyond. Furthermore, recent legal and political decisions are again leading to a rise in migrant detention. Since summer 2015 the “Dublin-detention” was declared lawful again and currently the so-called “Asylpaket II” legislations are being passed through Parliament which will broaden the reason for detention and introduce fast-return mechanisms. According to diverse migrant organizations and lawyers in Germany, migrant detention is increasingly used as a means to deter and not necessarily conducted on legal grounds. This trend is supported by the fact that 4 new detention camps are expected to be opened in 2016/2017.

Last update date: 02/2016

Number of camps: 10
Number of camps entered in the database. For the calculation of the number of camps, please refer to the Methodology page

Camps in this country:

- Bremen - Abschiebungsgewahrsam
- Büren - JVA Büren
- Flughafen Düsseldorf - Abschiebegewahrsam Asylschnellverfahren
- Flughafen Frankfurt am Main - Hafteinrichtung Asylschnellverfahren
- Flughafen Hamburg - Abschiebegewahrsam Asyschnellverfahren
- Hannover - JVA Hannover-Langenhagen
- Ingelheim - Gewahrsamseinrichtung fur Ausreisepflichtige Ingelheim
- JVA Mühldorf a. Inn - Abschiebehafteinrichtung
- Pforzheim
- Pforzheim - Abschiebehafteinrichtung


Total capacity (sum of the capacities of the camps across the country)


Official information (Ministry of Interior, etc.) about the total capacity of the camps in a country are sometimes available. However this indicator is the sum of the capacities of operational camps in the country. The sources of these data are often different from one camp to another, it is not possible for us – as a matter of readability – to display these sources here. We are looking for a technical solution to indicate the various sources of this indicator, and report further discrepancies between the official total capacity and the actual capacity. As a reminder, the official total capacity of camps - when published - is often less than the actual capacity.

Typology of camps in the country:

- Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA)
- Hafteinrichtung Asylschnellverfahren (HA)
- Abschiebehafteinrichtung
- Gewahrsamseinrichtung für Ausreisepflichtige

Maximum length of detention in the country (in days)


Note du Secrétariat Général du Conseil au CIREFI relative aux « réponses aux questionnaires relatifs aux centres de rétention destinés aux ressortissants de pays-tiers qui se trouvent en situation irrégulière de l’Union européenne », 21/02/1996 + Migreurop, Fiche pays Allemagne, date de consultation 11/09/2014
Extrapolation based on YEAR 2012
Global Detention Project
For other years
Source not given.

Number of persons detained


From 2008 to 2009
Eurostat / in COM(2011) 248 final, Communication de la commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil, au Comité économique et social européen et au comité des Régions. Communication sur la migration.
The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies / Synthesis Report for the EMN Focussed Study 2014
The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies / Synthesis Report for the EMN Focussed Study 2014
From 2012 to 2013
The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies / Synthesis Report for the EMN Focussed Study 2014

Number of persons deported


From 2002 to 2004
CIREFI / in SEC (2006)1010, Second annual report on the development of a common policy on illegal immigration, smuggling and trafficking of human beings, external border controls, and the return of illegal residents
From 2008 to 2014
Eurostat, 2016

Outgoing Dublin transfers



Incoming Dublin transfers



Degree of knowledge of this country: GOOD

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