Introduction and/or last update date:
Last update date: 02/2016
Number of camps: 8
Number of camps entered in the database. For the calculation of the number of camps, please refer to the Methodology page
Camps in this country:
- Elhovo Distribution Center
- Elhovo police station
- Harmanli
- Lyubimets
- Sofia, Busmantsi
- Voenna Rampa
- Vrezhdebna
- Zone d'attente de l'aéroport de Sofia
Total capacity (sum of the capacities of the camps across the country)
Official information (Ministry of Interior, etc.) about the total capacity of the camps in a country are sometimes available. However this indicator is the sum of the capacities of operational camps in the country. The sources of these data are often different from one camp to another, it is not possible for us – as a matter of readability – to display these sources here. We are looking for a technical solution to indicate the various sources of this indicator, and report further discrepancies between the official total capacity and the actual capacity. As a reminder, the official total capacity of camps - when published - is often less than the actual capacity.
Typology of camps in the country:
- SCTAF (Special Centres for Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners)
- Транзитен (Sorting centre/Hotspot)
- Разпределителен (Sorting centre/Hotspot)
- Сдвнч (Специален дом за временно настаняване на чужденци) (Special centre for the temporary accomodation of foreigners)
- Centre d'hebergement pour demandeurs d'asile
- Centre d'accueil et d'enregistrement
Maximum length of detention in the country (in days)
- 2010
- UNHCR, Observations on the current asylum system in Bulgaria, 2 January 2014, available at:, 11/09/2014
- From 2011 to 2014
- UNHCR, Observations on the current asylum system in Bulgaria, 2 January 2014, available at:, 11/09/14
Number of persons detained
- 2008
- Ministère de l'intérieur bulgare, suite à une demande d'infirmation
- From 2009 to 2013
- The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies / Synthesis Report for the EMN Focussed Study 2014
- 2014
- Demande d'information Ministère de l'intérieur (février 2016)
Number of persons deported
- From 2002 to 2004
- CIREFI / in SEC (2006)1010, Second annual report on the development of a common policy on illegal immigration, smuggling and trafficking of human beings, external border controls, and the return of illegal residents
- From 2008 to 2014
- Eurostat, 2016
Outgoing requests for Dublin transfers
Actual outgoing Dublin transfers
Incoming Dublin transfers
Degree of knowledge of this country: GOOD
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Recent maps
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