Exhibition “Moving Beyond Borders”

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Article posted the 2015/05/06


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[EN] – M o v i n g B e y o n d B o r d e r s : Brussels (Centre Culturel Jacques Franck), 13th-19th of June 2015.

The exhibition focus on the journeys of migrants while pointing devices that are responsible for these dangerous crossings in the Sahara, the Mediterranean Sea or the Eastern borders of the European Union.

The exhibition proposes a multimedia approach of the contemporary migratory reality.
Maps to seize how the controls move and externalize, and to reveal the infrastructures at the service of European policies.
Photographs to depict the consequences of the security-focused management of migration issues, as observed in Europe and beyond.
Soundscapes created by the artist collective Étrange Miroir, that also ideated the staging of the exhibition.

The exhibition is composed of 5 modules: the first three concern contemporary realities, the latter two refer to two opposite scenarios related to the possible changes in European migration policies.

Information :
Centre Culturel Jacques Franck
Chaussée de Waterloo, 94
1060 St Gilles, Bruxelles
+32 2 538 90 20

Free entrance from the 13th to the 19th of June 2015 :
Tue-Fri : 11h-18h30
Sat : 14h-18h30
Sun : 14h-17h & 19h-22h30
Mon : closed


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Date(s) of publication: 06/05/2015