Spain [EN, ES] Visit of the foreigners detention centre (CIE) of Aluche (Madrid)

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Article posted the 2015/01/16

[EN] On 16th January 2015, in the frame of the campaign Open Access Now, the MEP Javier Couso (GUE/NGL) visited, with Spanish associations, the foreigners detention centre (CIE) of Aluche, Madrid.

Members of the delegation:

MEP: Javier Couso (MEP, GUE/NGL, Spain)

NGO’s: SOS Racismo, CEAR, Médicos del Mundo

Journalists: yes (eldiario.es, El País, Público), but access denied. Javier Couso asked for explanations, in a letter to the General Secretary of the Comisaría of Extranjería, who only confirmed the refusal of media’s access to the centre.

Main observations:

The CIE’s structure is precarious: humidity, walls and closets rusted, paint in a bad way, cold in the cells, the refectory and the common areas. Isolation cells are dangerous due to pointed nails on the walls. Toilets have no door and there is no toilet paper. Access to treatments 24/24 is not granted, while it is foreseen by the centres’ national rules. Medical aid is externalized. Mobiles are forbidden. It is impossible to talk to inmates in confidence.

Press review (in Spanish):






In attachment, the full report of the visit (in Spanish).
