C(h)amp d’expression, « The detention centre is a sacrifice» – CRA of Rennes (France)

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Article posted the 2014/12/16


[EN] As of today the Open Access Now campaign is relaying testimonies of foreigners detained in the camps of Europe and at its borders. These testimonies are collected in order to make visible the stories of detained people, and bring light to the conditions of detention and access to rights.

The present testimonies (in French) derive from the project of La Cimade, “detention capsules”. Those capsules were carried out in 2013, by Cimade’s volunteers, following parlor visits in the detention centre of Rennes (CRA), in France.

Every afternoon, after lunch, he is feeling sleepy… ‘’What are they putting in my food? Here we trust no one”


Mr. F is well aware of the detention system: “It was Sarkozy who lengthened the duration…45 days; we can assume this is it. In Germany they keep you for 6 months, here it’s okay, we can bear 45 days”.


On his release [from prison] they told him: “you must sign to go to the detention centre, and even if you don’t sign, you are still going”. And the difference with the prison? “In prison there is a date, here we don’t know, you sleep and the police arrive”


Each testimony is presented in respect of image rights and private life. With this aim, the members of the Open Access Now campaign diffuse the collected testimonies anonymously and with a delay – depending on the maximum length of administrative detention in each country.


Capsule N°1 : Armelle


Capsule N°2 : Claire


Capsule N°3 : Régine


Capsule N°4 : Cyrille #1


Capsule N°5 : Cyrille #2


Capsule N°6 : Cyrille #3


Capsule N°7 : Julie